Daily Hadith and Ayat, 01-01-2016

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 01-01-2016

Narrated: Abu Huraira
The Prophet said, "The Hour (Last Day) will not be established until (religious) knowledge will be taken away (by the death of religious learned men), earthquakes will be very frequent, time will pass quickly, afflictions will appear, murders will increase and money will overflow amongst you." (See Hadith No. 85 Vol 1).
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 37

قَالَ فَإِنَّكَ مِنَ الْمُنْظَرِينَ

He said: Then lo! thou art of those reprieved
Al-Hijr (The Rocky Tract) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Al-'Adl: The Embodiment of Justice
Meaning: The Just, The One who is entitled to do what He does.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (6:115)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 31-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 31-12-2015

Narrated: Ibn Umm Maktum
Apostle of Allah, there are many venomous creatures and wild beasts in Medina (so allow me to pray in my house because I am blind). The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Do you hear the call, "Come to prayer," "Come to salvation"? (He said: Yes.) Then you must come.
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 5

الرَّحْمَٰنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَىٰ

The Beneficent One, Who is established on the Throne.
Taa-Haa »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Al-Kabeer: The Great One
Meaning: The Most Great, The Great, The One who is greater than everything in status.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (13:9)(22: 62)(31:30)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 30-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 30-12-2015

Yahya related to me from Malik from Humayd at-Tawil from Anas ibn Malik that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, forbade selling fruit until it had become mellow. He was asked, "Messenger ofAllah! What do you mean by become mellow?" He said, "When it becomes rosy." The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, added, "Allah may prevent the fruit from maturing, so how can you take payment from your brother for it."
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 172

ثُمَّ دَمَّرْنَا الْآخَرِينَ

Then afterward We destroyed the others.
Ash-Shuara (The Poets) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Al-Ba'ith: The Infuser of New Life
Meaning: The Reserrector, The Raiser (from death), The One who resurrects His slaves after death for reward and/or punishment.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (22:7)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 29-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 29-12-2015

Narrated: Hudhaifa
Whenever the Prophet got up for Tahajjud prayer he used to clean his mouth (and teeth) with Siwak.
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 59

وَتِلْكَ الْقُرَىٰ أَهْلَكْنَاهُمْ لَمَّا ظَلَمُوا وَجَعَلْنَا لِمَهْلِكِهِمْ مَوْعِدًا

And (all) those townships! We destroyed them when they did wrong, and We appointed a fixed time for their destruction.
Al-Kahf (The Cave) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Ash-Shakuur: The Acknowledging One
Meaning: The Grateful, The Appreciative, The One who gives a lot of reward for a little obedience.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (35:30)(35 :34)(42:23 )(64:17)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 28-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 28-12-2015

Narrated: Aisha
In my house he (Prophet (p.b.u.h) ) never passed the last hours of the night but sleeping.
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 57

وَمَنْ أَظْلَمُ مِمَّنْ ذُكِّرَ بِآيَاتِ رَبِّهِ فَأَعْرَضَ عَنْهَا وَنَسِيَ مَا قَدَّمَتْ يَدَاهُ ۚ إِنَّا جَعَلْنَا عَلَىٰ قُلُوبِهِمْ أَكِنَّةً أَنْ يَفْقَهُوهُ وَفِي آذَانِهِمْ وَقْرًا ۖ وَإِنْ تَدْعُهُمْ إِلَى الْهُدَىٰ فَلَنْ يَهْتَدُوا إِذًا أَبَدًا

And who doth greater wrong than he who hath been reminded of the revelations of his Lord, yet turneth away from them and forgetteth what his hands send forward (to the Judgment)? Lo! on their hearts We have placed coverings so that they understand not, and in their ears a deafness. And though thou call them to the guidance, in that case they can never be led aright.
Al-Kahf (The Cave) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Ash-Shakuur: The Acknowledging One
Meaning: The Grateful, The Appreciative, The One who gives a lot of reward for a little obedience.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (35:30)(35 :34)(42:23 )(64:17)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 27-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 27-12-2015

Narrated: Al-Aswad
Aisha intended to buy Barira (a slave-girl) in order to manumit her and her masters intended to put the condition that her Al-wala would be for them. 'Aisha mentioned that to the Prophet who said to her, "Buy her, as the "Wala" is for the manumitted." Once some meat was presented to the Prophet and 'Aisha said to him, "This (meat) was given in charity to Barira." He said, "It is an object of charity for Barira but a gift for us."
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 150

فَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَأَطِيعُونِ

Therefor keep your duty to Allah and obey me,
Ash-Shuara (The Poets) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Al-Ba'ith: The Infuser of New Life
Meaning: The Reserrector, The Raiser (from death), The One who resurrects His slaves after death for reward and/or punishment.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (22:7)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 26-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 26-12-2015

Narrated: Abu Said Al-Khudri
"It was said: 'O Messenger of Allah, you perform Wudu' from the well of Buda'ah when it is a well into which the bodies of dogs, menstrual rags and garbage are thrown?' He said: 'Water is pure and it is not made impure by anything.'" (Hasan)
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 12

قَالُوا تِلْكَ إِذًا كَرَّةٌ خَاسِرَةٌ

They say: Then that would be a vain proceeding.
An-Naziat (Those Who Yearn) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Ad-Darr: The Distressor
Meaning: The One who makes harm reach to whoever He willed and benefit to whoever He willed.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (6:17)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 25-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 25-12-2015

Narrated: Muadh bin Jabal
Prayer passed through three stages and fasting also passed through three stages. The narrator Nasr reported the rest of the tradition completely. The narrator, Ibn al-Muthanna, narrated the story of saying prayer facing in the direction of Jerusalem. He said: The third stage is that the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) came to Medina and prayed, i.e. facing Jerusalem, for thirteen months. Then Allah, the Exalted, revealed the verse: "We have seen thee turning thy face to Heaven (for guidance, O Muhammad). And now verily We shall make thee turn (in prayer) toward a qiblah which is dear to thee. So turn thy face toward the Inviolable Place of Worship, and ye (O Muslims), wherever ye may be, turn your face (when ye pray) toward it" (ii.144). And Allah, the Reverend and the Majestic, turned (them) towards the Ka'bah. He (the narrator) completed his tradition. The narrator, Nasr, mentioned the name of the person who had the dream, saying: And Abdullah ibn Zayd, a man from the Ansar, came. The same version reads: And he turned his face towards the qiblah and said: Allah is most great, Allah is most great; I testify that there is no god but Allah, I testify that there is no god but Allah; I testify that Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah, I testify that Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah; come to prayer (he pronounced it twice), come to salvation (he pronounced it twice); Allah is Most Great, Allah is most great. He then paused for a while, and then got up and pronounced in a similar way, except that after the phrase "Come to salvation" he added. "The time for prayer has come, the time for prayer has come." The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said: Teach it to Bilal, then pronounce the adhan (call to prayer) with the same words. As regards fasting, he said: The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) used to fast for three days every month, and would fast on the tenth of Muharram. Then Allah, the Exalted, revealed the verse: ".......Fasting was prescribed for those before you, that ye may ward off (evil)......and for those who can afford it there is a ransom: the feeding of a man in need (ii.183-84). If someone wished to keep the fast, he would keep the fast; if someone wished to abandon the fast, he would feed an indigent every day; it would do for him. But this was changed. Allah, the Exalted, revealed: "The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an ..........(let him fast the same) number of other days" (ii.185). Hence the fast was prescribed for the one who was present in the month (of Ramadan) and the traveller was required to atone (for them); feeding (the indigent) was prescribed for the old man and woman who were unable to fast. (The narrator, Nasr, further reported): The companion Sirmah, came after finishing his day's work......and he narrated the rest of the tradition.
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 90

تَكَادُ السَّمَاوَاتُ يَتَفَطَّرْنَ مِنْهُ وَتَنْشَقُّ الْأَرْضُ وَتَخِرُّ الْجِبَالُ هَدًّا

Whereby almost the heavens are torn, and the earth is split asunder and the mountains fall in ruins,
Maryam (Mary) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Al-Kabeer: The Great One
Meaning: The Most Great, The Great, The One who is greater than everything in status.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (13:9)(22: 62)(31:30)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 24-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 24-12-2015

Narrated: Jumai bin Umair
"I entered upon Aishah with my mother and maternal aunt, and we asked her what the Prophet (saw) used to do when one of (his wives) was menstruating. She said: He would tell us, when one of us menstruated, to wrap a wide Izar around herself then he would embrace her chest and breasts. (Daif)
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 2

أَنْ جَاءَهُ الْأَعْمَىٰ

Because the blind man came unto him.
Abasa (He Frowned) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

An-Nafi': The Bestower of Benefits
Meaning: The Propitious, The One who makes harm reach to whoever He willed and benefit to whoever He willed.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (30:37)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 23-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 23-12-2015

Narrated: Ibn Abbas
"My maternal aunt Maimunah told me: 'I brought the Messenger of Allah (saw) water for his Ghusl from Janabah, and he washed his hands two or three times, then he put his right hand in the vessel and poured water over his private part, then he washed it with his left hand. Then he put his left hand on the ground and rubbed it hard. Then he performed Wudu as for prayer, then he poured three scoops with his two hands full of water over his head, then he washed his entire body, then he moved away from where he had been standing and washed his feet.' She said: 'Then I brought him a towel but he refused it.'" (Sahih)
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 46

كُلُوا وَتَمَتَّعُوا قَلِيلًا إِنَّكُمْ مُجْرِمُونَ

Eat and take your ease (on earth) a little. Lo! ye are guilty.
Al-Mursalat (Those Sent Forth) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Al-Mani': The Preventer
Meaning: The Withholder.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (67:21)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 22-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 22-12-2015

Narrated: Abu Salamah
"We prayed at the time of Umar bin Abdul-Aziz, then we went to Anas bin Malik and found him praying. When he finished he said to us: 'Have you prayed?' We said: 'We prayed Zuhr.' He said: 'I prayed Asr.' Theysaid: 'You have prayed early.' He said: 'Rather I prayed as I saw my companions pray.'" (Hasan)
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 8

إِنَّهُ عَلَىٰ رَجْعِهِ لَقَادِرٌ

Lo! He verily is Able to return him (unto life)
At-Tariq (The Comer by Night) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Al-Badi': The Unique One
Meaning: The Incomparable, The One who created the creation and formed it without any preceding example.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (2:117)(6: 101)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 21-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 21-12-2015

Narrated: Yazid ibn Khusayfa
Yahya related to me from Malik from Yazid ibn Khusayfa that Amr ibn Abdullah ibn Kab as-Salami told him that Nafi ibn Jubayr told him that Uthman ibn Abi al-As came to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Uthman said that he had a pain which was enough to kill him. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Rub it with your right hand seven times and say, 'I take refuge with the might of Allah and His power from the evil of what I feel.' " Uthman added, "I said that, and Allah removed what I had. I still command my family and others to say it."
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 58

وَالَّذِينَ يُؤْذُونَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالْمُؤْمِنَاتِ بِغَيْرِ مَا اكْتَسَبُوا فَقَدِ احْتَمَلُوا بُهْتَانًا وَإِثْمًا مُبِينًا

And those who malign believing men and believing women undeservedly, they bear the guilt of slander and manifest sin.
Al-Ahzab (The Allies) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Al-Muhsi: The All- Enumerating One
Meaning: The Counter, The Reckoner, The One who the count of things are known to him.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (72:28)(78 :29)(82:10 -12)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 20-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 20-12-2015

Narrated: Ibn Abbas
The first Jumua prayer which was offered after a Jumua prayer offered at the mosque of Allah's Apostle took place in the mosque of the tribe of 'Abdul Qais at Jawathi in Bahrain.
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 64

قَالَ هَلْ آمَنُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ إِلَّا كَمَا أَمِنْتُكُمْ عَلَىٰ أَخِيهِ مِنْ قَبْلُ ۖ فَاللَّهُ خَيْرٌ حَافِظًا ۖ وَهُوَ أَرْحَمُ الرَّاحِمِينَ

He said: Can I entrust him to you save as I entrusted his brother to you aforetime? Allah is better at guarding, and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy.
Yusuf (Joseph) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

As-Sami: The All-Hearer
Meaning: The Hearer, The One who Hears all things that are heard by His Eternal Hearing without an ear, instrument or organ.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (2:127)(2: 256)(8:17) (49:1)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 19-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 19-12-2015

Narrated: Saeed ibn Saman
reported for Sayyidina Abu Hurairah (RA) that when Allah's Messenger (SAW) stood up for salah, he kept the fingers straight and raised both hands high. [Ahmed 8884]
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 33

وَالسَّلَامُ عَلَيَّ يَوْمَ وُلِدْتُ وَيَوْمَ أَمُوتُ وَيَوْمَ أُبْعَثُ حَيًّا

Peace on me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive!
Maryam (Mary) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Al-'Ali: The Sublime One
Meaning: The Most High, The One who is clear from the attributes of the creatures.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (4:34)(31: 30)(42:4)( 42:51)
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Important advice

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 18-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 18-12-2015

Narrated: Muhammad bin Sirin
One of the sons of Um 'Atiyya died, and when it was the third day she asked for a yellow perfume and put it over her body, and said, "We were forbidden to mourn for more than three days except for our husbands."
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 37

لَنْ يَنَالَ اللَّهَ لُحُومُهَا وَلَا دِمَاؤُهَا وَلَٰكِنْ يَنَالُهُ التَّقْوَىٰ مِنْكُمْ ۚ كَذَٰلِكَ سَخَّرَهَا لَكُمْ لِتُكَبِّرُوا اللَّهَ عَلَىٰ مَا هَدَاكُمْ ۗ وَبَشِّرِ الْمُحْسِنِينَ

Their flesh and their food reach not Allah, but the devotion from you reacheth Him. Thus have We made them subject unto you that ye may magnify Allah that He hath guided you. And give good tidings (O Muhammad) to the good.
Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Al-Kareem: The Bountiful One
Meaning: The Generous One, The Gracious, The One who is attributed with greatness of Power and Glory of status.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (27:40)(82 :6)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 17-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 17-12-2015

Narrated: Abdullah
Allah's Messenger said, "If anyone buys date-palms after they have been pollinated, the fruits belong to the seller unless the buyer stipulates the contrary. If anyone buys a slave who owns property, his property belongs to the seller unless the buyer stipulates its inclusion."
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 3

إِنَّا جَعَلْنَاهُ قُرْآنًا عَرَبِيًّا لَعَلَّكُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ

Lo! We have appointed it a Lecture, in Arabic that haply ye may understand.
Zukhruf (Ornaments of Gold) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Al-Qaadir: The Omnipotent One
Meaning: The Able, The Capable, The One attributed with Power.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (6:65)(36: 81)(46:33) (75:40)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 16-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 16-12-2015

Narrated: Hisham bin Urwa
Yahya related to me from Malik from Hisham ibn Urwa that his father said, "The tribe is not obliged to pay blood-money for intentional murder. They pay blood-money for accidental killing." Yahya related to me from Malik that Ibn Shihab said, "The precedent of the sunna is that the tribe are not liable for any blood-money of an intentional killing unless they wish that." Yahya related to me from Malik from Yahya ibn Said the same as that. Malik said that Ibn Shihab said, "The precedent of the sunna in the intentional murder is that when the relatives of the murdered person relinquish retaliation, the blood-money is owed by the murderer from his own property unless the tribe helps him with it willingly." Malik said, "What is done in our community is that the blood-money is not obliged against the tribe until it has reached a third of the full amount and upwards. Whatever reaches a third is against the tribe, and whatever is below a third, is against the property of the one who did the injury." Malik said, "The way of doing things about which there is no dispute among us, in the case of someone who has the blood-money accepted from him in intentional murder or in any injury in which there is retaliation, is that that blood-money is not due from the tribe unless they wish it. The blood-money for that is from the property of the murderer or the injurer if he has property. If he does not have any property, it is a debt against him, and none of it is owed by the tribe unless they wish." Malik said, "The tribe does not pay blood-money to anyone who injures himself, intentionally or accidentally. This is the opinion of the people of fiqh in our community. I have not heard that anyone has made the tribe liable for any blood-money incurred by intentional acts. Part of what is well-known of that is that Allah, the Blessed, and the Exalted, said in His Book, 'Whoever has something pardoned him by his brother, should follow it with what is accepted and pay it with good will' (Sura 2 ayat 178) The commentary on that - in our view - and Allah knows best, is that whoever gives his brother something of the blood-money, should follow it with what is accepted and pay him with good will." Malik spoke about a child who had no property and a woman who had no property. He said, "When one of them causes an injury below a third of the blood-money, it is taken on behalf of the child and woman from their personal property, if they have property from which it may be taken. If not, the injury which each of them has caused is a debt against them. The tribe does not have to pay any of it and the father of a child is not liable for the blood-money of an injury caused by the child and he is not responsible for it." Malik said, "The way of doing things in our community about which there is no dispute, is that when a slave is killed, the value for him is that of the day on which he was killed. The tribe of the murderer is not liable for any of the value of the slave, great or small. That is the responsibility of the one who struck him from his own personal property as far as it covers. If the value of the slave is the blood-money or more, that is against him in his property. That is because the slave is a certain type of goods."
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 19

وَاقْصِدْ فِي مَشْيِكَ وَاغْضُضْ مِنْ صَوْتِكَ ۚ إِنَّ أَنْكَرَ الْأَصْوَاتِ لَصَوْتُ الْحَمِيرِ

Be modest in thy bearing and subdue thy voice. Lo! the harshest of all voices is the voice of the ass.
Luqman (Luqman) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Al-Wali: The Protecting Associate
Meaning: The Protecting Friend, The Supporter.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (4:45)(7:1 96)(42:28) (45:19)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 15-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 15-12-2015

Malik related to me that Zayd ibn Aslam said, "Usury in the Jahiliyya was that a man would give a loan to a man for a set term. When the term was due, he would say, 'Will you pay it off or increase me?' If the man paid, he took it. If not, he increased him in his debt and lengthened the term for him ." Malik said, "The disapproved of way of doing things about which there is no dispute among us, is that a man should give a loan to a man for a term, and then the demander reduce it and the one from whom it is demanded pay it in advance. To us that is like someone who delays repaying his debt after it is due to his creditor and his creditor increases his debt." Malik said, "This is nothing else but usury. No doubt about it." Malik spoke about a man who loaned one hundred dinars to a man for two terms. When it was due, the person who owed the debt said to him, "Sell me some goods, whose price is one hundred dinars in cash for one hundred and fifty on credit." Malik said, "This transaction is not good, and the people of knowledge still forbid it." Malik said, "This is disapproved of because the creditor himself gives the debtor the price of what the man sells him, and he defers repayment of the hundred of the first transaction for the debtor for the term which is mentioned to him in the second transaction, and the debtor increases him with fifty dinars for his deferring him. That is disapproved of and it is not good. It also resembles the hadith of Zayd ibn Aslam about the transactions of the people of the Jahiliyya. When their debts were due, they said to the person with the debt, 'Either you pay in full or you increase it.' If they paid, they took it, and if not they increased debtors in their debts, and extended the term for them."
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 225

أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّهُمْ فِي كُلِّ وَادٍ يَهِيمُونَ

Hast thou not seen how they stray in every valley,
Ash-Shuara (The Poets) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Ash-Shaheed: The All Observing Witness
Meaning: The Witness, The One who nothing is absent from Him.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (4:166)(22 :17)(41:53 )(48:28)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 14-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 14-12-2015

Malik related to me from Hisham ibn Urwa from his father from Abdullah ibn az-Zubayr that Sufyan ibn Abi Zuhayr said, "I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, 'Yemen will be conquered and the people will be attracted to it, taking their families and whoever obeys them. Madina would have been better for them, had they but known. Ash-Sham will be conquered and people will be attracted to it, taking their families and whoever obeys them. Madina would have been better for them, had they but known. Iraq will be conquered and people will be attracted to it, taking their families and whoever obeys them. Madina would have been better for them, had they but known.' "
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 3

أَمْ يَقُولُونَ افْتَرَاهُ ۚ بَلْ هُوَ الْحَقُّ مِنْ رَبِّكَ لِتُنْذِرَ قَوْمًا مَا أَتَاهُمْ مِنْ نَذِيرٍ مِنْ قَبْلِكَ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَهْتَدُونَ

Or say they: He hath invented it? Nay, but it is the Truth from thy Lord, that thou mayst warn a folk to whom no warner came before thee, that haply they may walk aright.
As-Sajdah (The Prostration) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Al-Hameed: The Sole- Laudable One
Meaning: The Praiseworthy, The praised One who deserves to be praised.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (14:8)(31: 12)(31:26) (41:42)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 13-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 13-12-2015

Narrated: Ibn Umar
The Prophet ordered the people to pay Zakat-ul-Fitr before going to the Eid prayer.
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 161

إِذْ قَالَ لَهُمْ أَخُوهُمْ لُوطٌ أَلَا تَتَّقُونَ

When their brother Lot said unto them: Will ye not ward off (evil)?
Ash-Shuara (The Poets) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Al-Ba'ith: The Infuser of New Life
Meaning: The Reserrector, The Raiser (from death), The One who resurrects His slaves after death for reward and/or punishment.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (22:7)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 12-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 12-12-2015

Narrated: Abu Huraira
the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) to have said: When a dog licks a utensil belonging to any one of you, (the thing contained in it) should be thrown away and then (the utensil) should be washed seven times.
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 8

وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَنْ يُجَادِلُ فِي اللَّهِ بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍ وَلَا هُدًى وَلَا كِتَابٍ مُنِيرٍ

And among mankind is he who disputeth concerning Allah without knowledge or guidance or a scripture giving light,
Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Aj-Jaleel: The Majestic One
Meaning: The Sublime One, The Beneficent, The One who is attributed with greatness of Power and Glory of status.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (55:27)(39 :14)(7:143 )
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 11-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 11-12-2015

Narrated: Sahl bin Sad
A drink (of milk and water) was brought to Allah's Apostle (SAW) while a boy was sitting on his right side and old men were sitting on his left side. He asked the boy, "Will you allow me to give it to these (people)?" The boy said, "No, by Allah, I will not allow anyone to take my right from you." Then the Prophet (SAW) put the bowl in the boy's hand.
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 18

ثُمَّ جَعَلْنَاكَ عَلَىٰ شَرِيعَةٍ مِنَ الْأَمْرِ فَاتَّبِعْهَا وَلَا تَتَّبِعْ أَهْوَاءَ الَّذِينَ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ

And now have We set thee (O Muhammad) on a clear road of (Our) commandment; so follow it, and follow not the whims of those who know not.
Al-Jathiyah (The Kneeling) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Al-Muakhkhir: The Procrastinator
Meaning: The Delayer, the Retarder, The One who puts things in their right places. He makes ahead what He wills and delays what He wills.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (71:4)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 10-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 10-12-2015

Narrated: Mughirah bin Abu Burdah
who was from the tribe of Banu Abdud-Dar, said that he heard Abu Hurairah say: "A man came to the Messenger of Allah (saw) and said: 'O Messenger of Allah, we travel by sea and carry a small amount of water with us. If we use it for ablution, we will become thirsty. Can we perform ablution with seawater?' The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: 'Its water is a means of purification, and its dead meat is permissible. (i.e. the fish found dead in the sea).'" (Sahih)
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 12

وَمَرْيَمَ ابْنَتَ عِمْرَانَ الَّتِي أَحْصَنَتْ فَرْجَهَا فَنَفَخْنَا فِيهِ مِنْ رُوحِنَا وَصَدَّقَتْ بِكَلِمَاتِ رَبِّهَا وَكُتُبِهِ وَكَانَتْ مِنَ الْقَانِتِينَ

And Mary, daughter of 'Imran, whose body was chaste, therefor We breathed therein something of Our Spirit. And she put faith in the words of her Lord and His scriptures, and was of the obedient.
At-Tahrim (The Prohibition) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

مَالِكُ الْمُلْكِ
Malik-ul-Mulk: The Eternal Possessor of Sovereignty
Meaning: The One who controls the Dominion and gives dominion to whoever He willed.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (3:26)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 09-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 09-12-2015

Narrated: Abu Huraira
Once the Companions of the Prophet (SAW) asked him: 0 Allah's Messenger (PBUH)! Will we be able to see bur Lord on the Day of Resurrection? He said: Do you feel any difficulty in seeing the sun at noon when it is not cloudy. They said: No. He further said: Do you feel any difficulty in seeing the moon at the night of full moon when there is no cloud. They said: No. Thereupon he said: By Him who holds my life! You will not face any difficulty in seeing Allah as much as seeing one of them. The Prophet (SAW) added: Then Allah would sit for judgment upon the slaves and would say: 0 so-and-so! Did I not honour you and make you a chief and provide you a spouse and subdue for you horses and camels and offered you an opportunity to rule over your subjects and take one-fourth of booty. The slave would say, Yes. The Prophet (SAW) said: Allah would say: Did you not think that you would meet me? He would say: No. Thereupon, Allah would say: I overlook you today as you forgot me. Then the second person will be brought (for judgment). Allah would say: 0 so-and-so! Did I not honour you and make you the chief and make you a pair and subdue for you horses and camels and offered you an opportunity to rule over your subjects and take one-fourth of booty. He would say: Yes, my Lord! Then he would say: Did you not think that you would meet Me. The slave would say: No. At this moment Allah would say: Well, I overlook you today as you forgot Me. Then the third one would be brought for judgment. Allah would ask him the same thing. At this, the slave would say: 0 my Lord! I believed in You and Your Book and Your Messenger (PBUH)s. Also, I performed prayers, observed fast and gave charity. Then he would speak in good terms like this. Allah would say: Well. The Prophet (SAW) added: Then, it would be said to him: Now, we will bring our witnesses to you. Then man will think: Who will bear witness upon me. Then, his mouth would be sealed and it would be said to his thighs, flesh and bones: Speak. So his thighs, flesh and bones would bear witness to his deeds. This is because he will not be able to make any excuse for himself. He would be a hypocrite whom Allah would be angry with. (This Hadith is sound and reported by Muslim and Abu Daud).
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 13

يَوْمَ يُدَعُّونَ إِلَىٰ نَارِ جَهَنَّمَ دَعًّا

The day when they are thrust with a (disdainful) thrust, into the fire of hell
At-Tur (The Mountain) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Al-Batin: The Imperceptible
Meaning: The Hidden, The One that nothing is above Him and nothing is underneath Him, hence He exists without a place. He, The Exalted, His Existence is obvious by proofs and He is clear from the delusions of attributes of bodies.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (57:3)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 08-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 08-12-2015

Narrated: Nasr bin Abdur-Rahman
from his grandfather Muadh, that he performed Tawaf with Muadh bin Afra but he did not pray. "I said: Are you not going to pray?' He said: 'The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: 'There is no prayer after Asr until the sun has set, nor after the Subh until the sun has risen.'" (Daif)
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 14

وَمَا هُوَ بِالْهَزْلِ

It is no pleasantry.
At-Tariq (The Comer by Night) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Al-Badi': The Unique One
Meaning: The Incomparable, The One who created the creation and formed it without any preceding example.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (2:117)(6: 101)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 07-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 07-12-2015

Narrated: Anas
"I was with the Prophet (saw) on a journey. He went away to relieve himself, then he came and called for water and performed ablution." (Daif)
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 2

هُوَ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُمْ فَمِنْكُمْ كَافِرٌ وَمِنْكُمْ مُؤْمِنٌ ۚ وَاللَّهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ بَصِيرٌ

He it is Who created you, but one of you is a disbeliever and one of you is a believer, and Allah is Seer of what ye do.
At-Taghabun (The Manifestation of Losses) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Ar-Ra'uf: The Benign One
Meaning: The Compassionate, The One with extreme Mercy. The Mercy of Allah is His will to endow upon whoever He willed among His creatures.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (3:30)(9:1 17)(57:9)( 59:10)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 06-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 06-12-2015

Narrated: Malik
Yahya related to me from Malik that Yahya ibn Said said, "The Messenger of Allah, mayAllah bless him and grant him peace, ordered the two Sads to sell a vessel made of either gold or silver from the booty. They either sold each three units of weight for four units of weight of coins or each four units of weight for three units of weight or coins. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said to them, 'You have taken usury, so return it.' "
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 184

وَاتَّقُوا الَّذِي خَلَقَكُمْ وَالْجِبِلَّةَ الْأَوَّلِينَ

And keep your duty unto Him Who created you and the generations of the men of old.
Ash-Shuara (The Poets) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Al-Ba'ith: The Infuser of New Life
Meaning: The Reserrector, The Raiser (from death), The One who resurrects His slaves after death for reward and/or punishment.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (22:7)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

Check out topislamic.com we love it! or read islamic books online

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Daily Hadith and Ayat, 05-12-2015

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Peace and blessings be upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad,
As-salamu-alaikum your daily hadith from ahadith.co.uk

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Daily Hadith, 05-12-2015

Narrated: Anas
The Prophet said, "A Muslim whose three children die before the age of puberty will be granted Paradise by Allah due to his mercy for them."
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Ayat of the Quran

Verse No: 40

بَلْ تَأْتِيهِمْ بَغْتَةً فَتَبْهَتُهُمْ فَلَا يَسْتَطِيعُونَ رَدَّهَا وَلَا هُمْ يُنْظَرُونَ

Nay, but it will come upon them unawares so that it will stupefy them, and they will be unable to repel it, neither will they be reprieved.
Al-Anbiya (The Prophets) »
English Quran »

Daily Remembrance

Al-Haseeb: The Reckoning One
Meaning: The Reckoner, The One who gives the satisfaction.
Found In Quraan Ayah(s): (4:6)(4:86 )(33:39)
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Important advice

Please respect the words and traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) i.e do not try to interpret the hadith if you are not qualified but refer to a trusted scholar to interpret for you. Alternatively you can read commentary on hadiths widely available and on this site.

Check out topislamic.com we love it! or read islamic books online

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