Daily Hadith:Prophetic (PBUH) Commentary on the Qur'an - 5th Rabi al-Thani 1432 (10th March 2011)

Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah

As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu

Prophetic (PBUH) Commentary on the Qur'an - 5th Rabi al-Thani 1432 (10th
March 2011)

Narrated Alqama (Radi-Allahu 'anhu):

'Abdullah (bin Masud) said. "Allah curses those ladies who practice
tattooing and those who get themselves tattooed, and those ladies who
remove the hair from their faces and those who make artificial spaces
between their teeth in order to look more beautiful whereby they change
Allah's creation." His saying reached a lady from Bani Asd called Um Yaqub
who came (to Abdullah) and said, "I have come to know that you have cursed
such-and-such (ladies)?" He replied, "Why should I not curse these whom
Allah's Apostle has cursed and who are (cursed) in Allah's Book!" Um Yaqub
said, "I have read the whole Quran, but I did not find in it what you say."
He said, "Verily, if you have read it (i.e. the Quran), you have found it.
Didn't you read:

'And whatsoever the Apostle gives you take it and whatsoever he forbids
you, you abstain (from it).' (59.7)

She replied, "Yes, I did." He said, "Verily, Allah's Apostle forbade such
things." She said, "But I see your wife doing these things?" He said, "Go
and watch her." She went and watched her but could not see anything in
support of her statement. On that he said, "If my wife was as you thought,
I would not keep her in my company."

Bukhari Vol. 6 : No. 408


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